Sunday, December 13, 2009

Uncommon Eye Shape & Eyeshadow Application?

What is my eye shape? I know its not a ';common'; one like almond, asian, hooded or round because Ive seen pictures of celebrities that have those kind %26amp; they dont match mine.

My crease is very defined, so much so that the line is visible even when my eye is closed. The immobile part of my lid (above the crease) is fleshy, puffy %26amp; ';fat';. The area under my brow is highly visible but I think its because of the way I arch my brows %26amp; not because of a protruding bone. Any help?

Here are some pic links....... Eye Shape %26amp; Eyeshadow Application?
We Both Have The Katherina Zeta Jones (Catherina Zeta Jones) Eye Shape, Google Her On Google Images You Will See What I Mean She Has Very Nice Eyes, And I Copy Her Make-Up Cause It Really Looks Good On My Eye Shape As Well.Uncommon Eye Shape %26amp; Eyeshadow Application?
looks normal to me.
I have the same kind of great question, because I have always wondered the same thing. You have a beautiful smile by the way....what great teeth!
i definitly dont think its anything to worry about..its actually very common..its just the way your structure is...i have plenty of friends that have the same or close to the same thing going on and they always complain about it too..word of advice? when you put your eyeshadow on use either a purple or a brown and sweep it upwards toward your eye brow but not so much as visible..youd want closer to your eye to be the darkest part of the whole thing..let me know if it helps ya!!!

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