how bad did it hurt?PERMANENT eye liner.. has anyone had it done?
Friend got it done. It dosen't look good. It looks like it hurts. Try Urban Decay's 24/7 glide on eye pencil. They stay on really longPERMANENT eye liner.. has anyone had it done?
i was with my cousin when she had it done. and ya it was painful. it also looks tacky. you'd probably look really pretty without eyeliner but dont get the tatoo stuff. it was just gross watching it being done and you dont want that. trust me. things dont really gross me out but for some reason that did.
it sounds like it would hurt a lot.
wouldn't it just be like getting a tattoo on your eye?
Permanent eyeeliner?
Thats the stupidest thing Ive ever heard of. It MUST look fake....
my moms friend had it done.
it looks bad and fake.
dont be lazy, maybe you look better with out eyeliner..
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