Saturday, December 26, 2009

. How do I apply lipliner?

A lipliner should be used along your natural lipline unless you have very thin lips. In that case, extend outside of the natural line. A natural shade of liner is best or you can add more drama with a bright or darker shade. Be sure to blend the lipliner and the lipstick with a lipbrush.. How do I apply lipliner?
鈥emove cap

鈥ook into mirror

鈥eep head steady

鈥pply tip of makeup utensil to lips. How do I apply lipliner?
choose a neutral colour or the colour nearest to your lip color. if u have thin lips then draw a thick line outside your natural lip line, u will need a steady hand to do that. blend well. fill in lip color and use a gloss. this will make your lips look fuller. If u have full lips then line your lips on the inside and apply lipcolor. It is generally said that u should use dark colours if u have full lips and light frosted ones if they are thin. But theres no harm in experimenting, chose what suits u best ! '' WISH U A GREAT YEAR AHEAD''.
Whatever you do, don't buy liner darker than your lipstick. I see a lot of women do that, and it looks so trailer trash. You shouldn't see that you're wearing it, there shouldn't be a distinct line. Just follow the natural line of your lips, then fill in with lipstick.
Outline your lips then shade it in with lipstick.
Ofcourse with hands

yours or beautician's
Hold lipliner in a vise bolted down to a work bench table,then bend down and shake your head back and forth until lip liner is applied properly. ..Look in mirror from time to time to see how you are dong.
apply to your lips
Put lipstick on first then take a different color lipliner and outline around the lipstick

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