Sunday, December 13, 2009

Eyeshadow application dark brown eyes fair skin?

I have dark brown eyes, fair skin. My hair is also dark brown/black. I always pick the same color for eyeshadow and I can't seem to find three colors/shades that work well together. Any ideas? Thanks.Eyeshadow application dark brown eyes fair skin?
Most quads that are sold together are supposed to work together, but i find that its better to actually experiment %26amp; see what's best.

I also have brown eyes %26amp; i tried a couple of variations. actually im still waiting for my Coastal Scent Palette to arrive.

But from what i have experimented so far i like the combination between vanilla whites, purples %26amp; blues. I have brown eyes %26amp; the colors i put depends on what mood im in. Like if im feeling a little down %26amp; i wanna cheer up, i mostly put bright colors like green, not on the entire lid though. What i do is put some vanilla shimmer on the lid, then put a light green at the outer edge of the eye, then blend it. it makes my eyes look bright. Plus of course a touch of mascara.

Now, if you wanna just go for a simple look,opt for neutral colors, shades that are earth tones, brownish, charcoals %26amp; navy blues.

If you want your eyes to stand out, you can go for green %26amp; whites (like what i did, also purples, blues %26amp; golds.)

One thing that's about us brown-eyed women is that we can wear almost colors..

how fun is that? ^_^

You will never go wrong with navy or charcoal shades for it compliments all colors of eyes

For the liner, it's your choice, if you would just like to opt for a simple look, you can line your upper lid, just a thin line, then curl your lashes, then use mascara...leave the bottom lash bare..just put mascara on it...

If you would want to emphasize your eyes, do a smokey look,then line your top %26amp; bottom lids. Always always curl your will open up your eyes..its a must to curl the lash when sporting a smokey eye..because if not, it will hide your eyes..on which we don't want to happen because we want to actually emphasize your eyes, that's why you are doing a smokey look.

If you would want to have the 'wake-up-y'; eye, just put a dot of white color near you tear duct area.

This youtuber got brown eyes %26amp; you can get ideas what colors you would like to use on teh videos that she does:

But what i would suggest is for you to actually experiment.

like put one eyecolor on the right, another one on the left. see which compliments your eye, experiment with lining it, like should you also line the waterline?or just the top?

should you go for a winged-eyed or cat-eye..whatever..

go %26amp; have fun experimenting!


hope i helpedEyeshadow application dark brown eyes fair skin?
You could also try using non prescription colored contacts. I have them in blue and violet and I love them. Plus the brighter contacts really help to make your eyes look bigger. It's just something fun to do to change up your look. People who know you will know they're fake but who cares, they still look really good. :]
any shade of purple or plum and brown eyeliner and mascara work best for bringing out brown eyes

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