Sunday, December 13, 2009

Eye shadow application - HELP!?

I have smallish eyes and I would like them to look larger.

Things to know:

1. I have that chubby eyelid problem, where its fleshy below the eyebrow.

2. I have blue/green eyes and blonde hair

3. My face isn't fat, only my eyelids

Thanks!Eye shadow application - HELP!?
check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Eyeshadow - Makeup Tips鈥?/a>Eye shadow application - HELP!?
1. start with a clean face

2. apply your regular make-up expept for eyes

3. start with a light frosty color, like a frosty white. apply under eyebrow to the corners of your eyes. i put it all over as a base color. the white under the brows iand in the corners aloow for yours eyes to appear more open.

4. peach is a good summer color and will look great with your eye color. put this color on you actual lids and even a bit on your bottom lid as close to the lashes as possible.

5. if you are going out you could use a smudgy liner on top or bottom, otherwise just curl your lashes and apply some mascera. my new fav is lash exact by loreal. top it off with a clear or light colored gloss and you are lookin hot!

Use the eye shawdow kit that has brownish dark, beige, orange, lids and the eye of your eyebrows for shawdow. The enter lid from the end of your eyes draw the line to the line at the end of your eyes. You can use green shawdow between. There is a eye make-up CD too. Library may have it.
use eyliner on top and bottom.

then use a shimmery brown to bring out the color and make em bigger
make sure you wear eye liner, just make sure you dont wear it on the lip of your eye (that will make your eyes look smaller) and don't wear dark eye shadow on the chubby part of your eye lid, but put some on the lower part, make sure you can see it but don't go too dark. good luck!
:) call an avon or marykay rep. Some offer free makeovers.

Better yet, for free you can go to any department store(Sears,Younkers,JC Penny, Macy's) and go to the beauty counter. Most offer free consultations, makeovers, and suggest different products.

I use browns on my eyes(Liner, shadow, mascara) for work.

Going out or just dinner stuff, i use black liner, white shadow, and light browns. They enhance the look of my eyes.

Again, it depends on your face type. You want to go with colors to enhance your eyes....Blue, Light greens, and white will do that. :)
if you use bold black eye shadow it'll make your eyes stand out, especially your eye color.

experiment! :) goodluck
Check out pursebuzz on youtube she does some great video tutorials on applying eye makeup. Also try white liner to make your eyes appear bigger. Only line your lower lid.
draw a line outer corner and under your eye line right at the eyelash line you can also use liquid eye liner.eye shadow you can use green brown or blk %26amp;brwn any neutral color.
Put a dark color on your outer brow line and halfway over your eyelid

then fill in the rest with a light color on the lid.

A dark brown at the corner of your outer eyelid makes it widen even more too.

hope it helped?
we almost have identcial eye shapes. Just get a little shadow(brown) on a thin brush and apply it just above the lash line. Above that put a nutral shimmer shadow. Good luck! Your eyes sound really pretty!
First you pick three colors sort of close to each other, put the lightest on all over your eye as the base (from lid to brow line) then put the medium color on your lid and the darkest in your crease. also to make your eyes look bigger put a bright but skin toned shade (with a little sparkle) in your inner lid by your tear duct.

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